The Surprising Truth About Your Decisions That May Be Ruining Your Life
BONUS CONTENT: 10 Decision Destroyers You Need to Stop NOW
Think you’re a good decision maker?
Are you sure? How did you come to that decision?
Time and time again, people who think they know what they’re doing … or WORSE, who think they are “doing the right thing” make terrible decisions.
Are you one of them? Probably.
But even if you are, it’s NOT your fault.
Most people fall victim to one of the dreaded decision destroyers.
I see it constantly with my clients. They come to me after they’ve made a bad decision and are struggling with the fallout. They feel awful for what they’ve said or done.
They were just trying to do the right thing. Now they’re facing all sorts of problems …
Family Drama …
Financial issues …
Health concerns …
Relationship woes …
Job loss …
Alienation ...
Overwhelming Stress …
And a whole lot more.
The worst is REGRET.
They curse themselves for making such a horrible decision. They wonder why they even made that decision in the first place. What provoked it? What was going through their mind at the time?
There is a reason why they made that decision …
In fact, there are ten of them …
10 decision destroyers that hijack your ability to make good decisions.
You’ve seen it happen in your own life.
In relationships ...
You’ve been dating the same girl for five years now. All of the friends you share are married couples. They keep asking when you two are finally going to tie the knot.
You already live together and you’re pretty happy. But she’s an avid shopper, which concerns you. You’ve seen her blow her entire paycheck when Bloomingdale’s is having a sale.
Now your girlfriend starts pressuring you to make a commitment.
You really love her. She’s stood by you for five years. She’s a great person ... just look at that blind kitten she adopted! You’re sure she’ll change her shopping habits once you’re married. She’ll be respectful of your income.
You decide to propose.
You have a fancy wedding in the vineyard surrounded by family and friends. Now, two years later, you’re dying to get divorced. Her spending habits haven’t improved. They’ve gotten worse. She doesn’t respect your money, she just thinks she has more of it to spend.
You’re now $17,000 in credit card debt and wondering, how did I get here?
At work...
You were teamed up with Bob for a project. You were supposed to split the work 50/50 but Bob isn’t pulling his weight. He doesn’t respond to your calls or texts. In the office he gives you one word answers. You don’t have time for this jerk.
You decide to do the project on your own. You stay late every night for a week to get it done on time.
On presentation day, you kill it. Your boss LOVES what you did. You decide to treat yourself to a celebratory lunch.
When you get back from lunch, your boss is waiting for you in your office. He looks disappointed.
Bob says you stole his idea.
You’re beyond angry. You worked countless hours pulling this project together with NO help from Bob and now he has the nerve to take credit for your hard work!
You storm into Bob’s office and rip him a new one. You even slam his stapler on the desk for added emphasis. You feel better after putting him in his place.
On you’re way out, you see the entire office is staring at you, wide-eyed. They heard the whole thing. Every word you screamed at him.
Your boss is motioning for you to come back into his office.
You feel the panic rise up in your throat yet again … Worry for the safety of your job … Wonder if you made a big mistake …
In big item purchases…
Your best friend just bought a new Ford F150 Raptor. You can’t help feeling a bit jealous. You’ve worked ten times harder than him for years now, and he bought a brand new truck while you’re still driving that old Toyota Camry.
You decide it’s time for an upgrade.
You should have done this years ago. You’ve always been the safe one. You’re tired of putting money into your savings account every month. You live right now, not in the future. You shouldn’t be rolling up in a Camry when you deserve to be driving a Raptor too.
The next thing you know, you’re pulling up to your friend’s house in your brand new $55,000 truck. Sunglasses on and feeling like a boss.
But five months later, after five crushing monthly payments, PLUS the initial four-figure down payment, your bank account is in a downward spiral. You cannot sustain your current lifestyle. You’ll need a second job to make the truck work ...
You’re feeling the pain of a decision that seemed so good at the time.
So… what happened?
In each of these scenarios, you’re left wondering, WHAT HAPPENED?
You thought about it. At the time, it felt like a good decision … like the right decision. So how did it blow up in your face?
Where did you go wrong? Why is this happening to you? To the people around you? Why aren’t you making better decisions?
There are 10 reasons why.
There are 10 DECISION DESTROYERS that derail your abilities time after time.
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Stop making these mistakes to win better outcomes in life and work.
These silent hijackers are very subtle. They creep up on you without you knowing, invade your mind, and influence you to make a decision before you are really ready.
… Before you have all the facts.
… Before you understand what you’re really doing.
You’re not alone here.
I cannot stress this enough. It’s not just you! We ALL fall victim to these destroyers of reason time after time.
They seem to be natural, which is how they haunt ALL of us so effectively. It’s how they render us incapable from the get-go.
But now that you’re aware of their existence, you can STOP them.
You can neutralize all ten of these destroyers BEFORE they cause you to make any more TERRIBLE mistakes.
You can regain conscious control over the decision-making process and make smarter, healthier, more positive decisions that will TRANSFORM your life.
That will save you from the problems, drama, money issues, relationship woes, and all the other STRESS that comes from bad decisions.
You’ll have such a rock star track record that people will be ASKING YOU for advice. Asking you what they should do. Asking you how to make solid decisions.
The best part is you’ll be able to help them!
But only after you’ve helped yourself...
Now, the first part of any search and destroy mission … LEARN everything you can about your enemy.
You’ve got ten of them. Ten enemies that need to be taken out.
You’re ready to learn what they are … and how to destroy them.
Click below to begin your mission. Let this be the first of many AWESOME decisions that you will be making FROM NOW ON.
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Eliminate these decision-making killers today to win better outcomes in work and life.
In business, it’s important to be well-liked. (Especially if you’re a woman!) But shouldn’t competency be the difference maker to whether a person makes more money? Isn’t being competent more important than being likable?