America's Decision Expert

About the book

Choosing the “best” option is the goal, but it is not a decision-making process.


Maximize your chances...

To get what you want by making the right decision, every time. Never Be Wrong Again combines over ten years of research, decades of experience with influential decision makers, and original analysis. The result is a user-friendly guide to making better decisions, more efficiently. This four-point framework for successful decision making gives readers a proven formula to improve decision-making skills and results immediately.


How do you go about making important decisions?

Do you go with your gut reaction? Do you make Pro vs. Con lists? Do you consider all of the options and then choose the best one? Choosing the “best” option is the goal of good decision making, but it is NOT a plan on how to achieve your goal.


Learn how to tackle major decisions in life and at work

Whether to get married, how to invest your money, how to approach medical choices, and best practices for boards of directors. Using a clear blueprint and real life examples, Never Be Wrong Again will help you make any decision better with confidence and consistency, from the boardroom table to the kitchen table.

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The Four-Point Framework for Making Better Decisions



How to set and achieve realistic deadlines. When to think, when to rethink, and when to finally conclude.



Understanding the deeper meaning of balance in a decision, plus Gut vs. Data. Risk limits, facts and hopes, knowing when to walk away when the cost or risk is too high, regardless of the goal.



Best-case scenarios versus reality. Expected outcomes and moving forward using backwardization. Determining your real goal.


Pattern Recognition

Connecting the dots. Correlation, relevance, causation. Learn from the French, Italians and Japanese. What the relationship between eating sushi and approval of same-sex marriage can teach you.




You really can never be wrong again. You are wrong when your decision-making process is flawed. A better process drives better results, optimizing your chances to get the result you want and leading you to the right decision every time.

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Jack Canfield

Co-Author of the Chicken Soup For The Soul® Series and the Success Principles™

“It doesn’t matter if you are a stay-at-home mom, the owner of a business, a politician or an executive, this book will help you make better decisions!”

Mickey W 

CEO of a Multi-Million Dollar Tech Startup

“I wish I had this book sooner in my life. I found it extremely helpful as I am a big believer in processes-- better processes yield better results, plain and simple, or else, I'm left feeling like I'm simply throwing darts at a board and hoping to get lucky.”

Bob W.

Big 4 Partner/Board Director/Business Leader

“Michael Costa’s book “Never Be Wrong Again” is the quintessential primer on decision making. It is the how to manual for understanding the decision making process as well as providing a substantive methodology and framework for optimizing “deep thinking” for critical decision making.”

Alan Schur

Former Managing Director, G.E. Capital

“I love books that ‘keep it simple’ while at the same time tackle complex subjects. Michael Costa's new book is a must read for anyone but especially professionals who are pitching products, ideas & services. All work environments and organizations present obstacles. This book will enlighten the reader about how to better approach people within these organizations to produce a better outcome or at least understand how many people come to making decisions.”

Alana Cole

Entrepreneur, Television Personality, Fitness Expert

"Unlike many other books, that throw a bunch of information at you and say best of luck, Never Be Wrong Again, gives the reader clear and decisive information that you can quickly apply not only to your next business meeting, but also to your next cocktail party.
Michael Costa, uses real world issues, gives relevant information, and most importantly, steps ANYONE can apply regardless of what your career is. You don't have to be a CEO to read this as long as you want to propel your life forward and make the best decisions for YOU.
After reading this, I could win Survivor Island, make fast real world decisions, and have thought provoking conversation at any social gathering. Not reading this book would be a horrible decision."

Gerald G.

Advisory Board Member $60M Manufacturing Firm

“I am currently a member of the advisory board of a $60M+ privately held manufacturing firm that is actively seeking to grow exponentially through a number of global acquisitions. Both the current ownership team and leadership team are very strong and committed. This process began about 2 years ago and was moving steadily but much too slow - too much debate and not enough decision making. I found Michael's book, read it and then proceeded to introduce the concepts and decision making constructs to the team. More progress has been made in the last ninety days on identifying and executing on the right transactions than in the prior 21 months. More importantly, the portfolio of acquisition candidates has undergone a significant upgrade. Simple, logical, concise and powerful.”

“I had the opportunity to hear Mr. Costa speak recently about his book and the motivations behind why he wrote it. After hearing him speak, I read his book in its entirety. The book is a wonderful tool in how people should plan for and make decisions. The main difference in Mr. Costa's book is that it has actual practical value. 
Mr. Costa does address the neuroscience to give meaning to the ‘how’, but spends the majority of the book describing a simple but easily followed ‘how to’ on understanding the pitfalls of bad decision making and what practical and simple steps can be used to lower or eliminate these pitfalls. If you want a process, it would be wrong to not read this book.”

Rick J.

Law Firm Partner

Frank G.


“I wish I had this book twenty years ago. As an Architect, I have major decisions to make daily. I now take a step back, look at my "Never be Wrong Again" notes, and then proceed. This should be required reading for all College students, and basically everyone.”

Kalliope Barlis

Author Play Golf Better Faster: The Classic Guide to Optimizing Your Performance and Building Your Best Fast

“A Must Read. Taking profound knowledge and making it simple, to the point and easy to read, is a gift. A must read for anyone who wants to learn to improve their life and make deep changes. Michael's ability to talk about what he's written about is equally valuable.”

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